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News Archives

Our Past Stories

Tokyo Smoke Bradford makes its debut!

Tokyo Smoke Bradford makes its debut!

On Saturday, September 24, Deputy Major James Leduc, Members of Council, newly re-elected MP Scot Davidson and Members of the Bradford Board of Trade celebrated with owner Richard Bailey, his family and staff, at the Grand Opening of Tokyo Smoke Bradford. Deputy Mayor...

Bradford Eyecare opens!

Bradford Eyecare opens!

After months of COVID delays, it was a pleasure to host Grand Openings once again! Congratulations to Sunny Braich on the opening of Bradford Eyecare, located at 107 Holland Street East. Sunny has a wide assortment of glasses, including his own design "The 6 Series"...

VINS Manages Growth With A Little Help From BWG Friends

VINS Manages Growth With A Little Help From BWG Friends

From the outset, when the company was first established in a couple of small buildings in Bradford in 1977, through to the current 100,000 square foot facility at 12 Industrial Court, Vins has been on the forefront of plastic packaging technology, building its...

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