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News Archives

Our Past Stories

Shoppers Drug Mart adds second location to BWG

Shoppers Drug Mart adds second location to BWG

It's official! The new Shoppers Drug Mart is open for business. Congratulations to Igor Gasic, his family and staff on the launch of his second Shoppers outlet in BWG. Mayor James Leduc, Members of Council and representatives from the Bradford Board of Trade and...

Lil’ Schnitzel Shack opens in BWG!

Lil’ Schnitzel Shack opens in BWG!

Saturday, November 26 was a beautiful autumn day, and a great one to have another Grand Opening in BWG. Congratulations to owners Judit and George Szamosszegi on the official opening of Lil' Schnitzel Shack. Judit and George previously owned The Goulash House in...

BWG welcomes Dracup Insurance

BWG welcomes Dracup Insurance

It was a great sunny fall day on Friday, October 14, to welcome Lisa Dracup and her staff at Dracup Insurance Brokers to BWG with a Grand Opening celebration. Mayor Rob Keffer, Members of Council, representatives of the Bradford Board of Trade and the BWG Office of...

BWG welcomes Selig Canada

BWG welcomes Selig Canada

It was a pleasure to formally welcome Selig Canada to BWG's family of manufacturers on Tuesday, October 11, with a Grand Opening celebration. MP Scot Davidson, Members of Council and representatives of the Bradford Board of Trade and Office of Economic Development...

BMS Karate opens it doors!

BMS Karate opens it doors!

Saturday, September 10 was a busy morning in BWG, with multiple business Grand Openings. Congratulations to Louis Rossi, his family and staff for the official opening of BMS Karate. A huge crowd was on-hand to join members of Council, the Office of Economic...

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