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Skwarchuk celebrates 50 successful years!

Grand Openings, Recent News

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Mayor James Leduc and representatives of the OED had the pleasure to chat with Bill Skwarchuk and his family on Sunday, June 2, for a quiet celebration of Skwarchuk Funeral Home’s 50th Anniversary.

Established in 1973, Skwarchuk Funeral Home has undergone a number of changes over the years, with multiple renovations transforming the original residential-style building into today’s expanded multiple-room facility.

Despite a very busy day ahead, Bill was very generous with his time, providing a full tour and detailing how he started in the industry, expanded it and eventually brought three generations of his family into the business.

Thank you to Bill and all the members of the Skwarchuk family for your years of service to BWG and congratulations on five decades of business success!

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